Operational Excellence
Consulting Services

Lean Six Sigma

The irony of Lean Six Sigma is the complexity of the methodology frequently and unnecessarily gets in the way of results. It requires learning new terms and concepts while there are existing, common-sense business terms for just about everything LSS does. For example, a "Kaizen Event" is a Rapid Process Improvement Working Session. A "Gemba Walk" is observational learning. "Facilitating a F.M.E.A." is brainstorming what can go wrong and what you want to do about it. There are countless other examples. Our no-jargon approach significantly reduces complexity and increases adoption, speed to execution, and consistent repeat usage.

Continuous Improvement

It's easy for anyone to say, "I am continuously improving" because, in most cases, they are. It's innate within our personal and professional lives. The follow up question is, "How do you know?" This where we differentiate from best intentions to the very intentional. All of our processes are built with integrated continuous improvement mechanisms including: KPIs, employee empowerment, employee and management performance reporting, new management processes, and more. We also offer several strategies, tools, and tactics for gaining employee engagement to drive and sustain continuous improvements in all facets of your business. 

Customer Experience

This critical component of profitability and longevity is often overlooked or assumed to be good enough. We offer several strategies, tools, and tactics to gain actionable intelligence and drive meaningful customer experience improvements for external and internal customers. We will help you build out a customized strategy and simple execution plan to help you realize greater results by placing your customers' experiences at the forefront of everything you do.

Agile Project Management

Agile (or Scrum) PM is faster and more effective for designing new processes and operating models for scaling to multiple sites. It is an iterative approach that focuses on frequent deliverables, getting fast feedback from the market, and making adjustments while the project is in process. This is how we'll work with your business. At the end, you will have a well-refined process engineered with improved market intelligence to be more robust than traditional PM processes.

Delta Summit Group

San Diego, CA, 92101, US